Current Use Cases

Personalised Adaptive Learning (PAL)
The solution provides a unique individualized learning path based on the learner’s knowledge, skills, and learning needs. PAL can either be content-adaptive or assessment adaptive. In content adaptive, the content such as videos, activities, and assessments adapt to the learners profile. In assessment adaptive, the assessment questions adapt to the level of the learner. Personalization is brought about by allowing students to learn at their own pace, usually in a one-to-one setting.
[Currently for Math and English]

Digital Classrooms (DCR)
This includes high-quality teaching-learning material in the form of videos, activities, and assessments that facilitate classroom teaching by supporting the teachers with guidelines for their implementation. Typically in a one-to-many (teacher to multiple students) setting, a teacher leads the discussion of the content in the DCR using projectors, speakers, interactive boards etc. The teacher facilitates interaction with students, individual and collaborative, through the activities present in the DCR.
[Currently for Math and English]

Interactive Audio-Visual (IAV)
This comprises videos that include explaining concepts or animated videos (or videos that contain a combination of explanation and animation). They may have associated learning activities either as part of the AV (like a knowledge check) or that reside as a separate component outside of the AV.
[Currently for Math]

Games-based learning (Games)
In these solutions, all activities are presented as games aligned to learning goals, with well-defined game rules and playing constituting a major part of learning. Gamified products have content and structural gamification layered on top of other use cases like DCR, PAL. Based on the use context, (to be used at home or in school) the product will also provide guidelines to the adult (teacher/parent) for its implementation.
[Currently for Math]

Practice and Doubt Solving (PDS)
These solutions can be only practice, or have both components of practice and doubt solving. In the only practice versions, the content should contain practice questions and answers for self check and practice. The practice activities can contain formative assessments, objective questions and may include, in addition, subjective type questions. If it contains both practice and doubt solving, along with the practice features mentioned, the doubt solving features will allow the learner to ask their doubts by inputting questions in various ways, including scanning the textbook, uploading a photograph, inserting a file etc.