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iPrep Digital Class

Evaluation report

Use Case

Digital Classrooms





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Full Evaluation Report

Content Quality









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Potential Benefits of this Product

  • Students, teachers, and parents can be assured of the correctness of the content and all the learning activities.
  • Schools can be assured of the alignment of the content with the national curriculum.
  • Schools and teachers can be assured of the correctness of the content and can use the product for in-class teaching as well as assigning independent tests or activities to the students.
  • Learners will likely be able to develop deep conceptual understanding as the product addresses common learning gaps.
  • The content is cognitively engaging and is likely to keep classes of various numbers of learners meaningful engaged.
  • The product uses sufficient real-life examples and scenarios for learners to relate Mathematical concepts to their day-to-day lives.
  • The adoption and learning curve for the teachers and students would likely be smooth due to the intuitive nature of the interface, and well-chunked topics.
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Potential Limitations of this Product

The effectiveness of the learning experience may be negatively impacted in the following ways:

  • There aren’t opportunities for the learner to experiment or perform hands-on activities, which might result in poor retention in the case of topics where multiple concepts are applied together.
  • Due to insufficient explicit scaffolds or hints in some activities, struggling learners might get stuck when they are working independently on the activities.
  • The lack of group activities or prompts might lead to low encouragement from the teacher for collaboration among the learners.
  • The lack of some key Universal Design features might make the product unsuitable for some learners.
  • The absence of motivational features can hamper learners from completing assessments.
  • The lack of breakdown in the mastery level can hinder the identification of the exact areas where the learner would need additional support.

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Disclaimer: EdTech Tulna standards are made available at varying levels of depth to guide different contexts of decision making. It is advisable to reach out to the Tulna team to request the appropriate tools (evaluator rubrics, training support etc) to guide the effective use of Tulna frameworks and standards to support your decision-making process.